Senin, 20 April 2015

Crazy Girl at Cinema's 2015 Liebster Award

Hell yeah, bitches. I'm back with two Liebster Award's nominations, HAHAHA. I didn't get any nomination in 2014, but it seems karma decides to be good and give me two nominations. Thanks a lot for Cinejour and sinekdoks for giving me this good opportunity!

Before we start, here are some of the rules:

Part I: 11 Important Facts That May (or not) Help You in a Random Quiz

1. Nyesel gak nonton X-MEN: DOPF di bioskop gara-gara gak bakal lihat Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, (the sexy) James McAvoy, dan (even more sexier) Michael Fassbender di satu layar.

I regret not watching X-MEN: DOPF in cinema because I won't see Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, (the sexy) James McAvoy, and (even more sexier) Michael Fassbender in one screen.

2. Gak pernah ngefans hardcore sama suatu grup dan atau orang. I've never been a hardcore fan of a group or someone.

3. Sejauh ini belum pernah suka sama orang yang lebih muda. So far, I never have a crush on someone younger than me.

4. Kadang mikir manusia itu sensitif dan rumit. Lebih sering manusia itu...tai. Sometimes I think people are sensitive and complicated. In other times, people are...shit.

5. Orang yang demen banget berkotbah tapi gak pernah melakukan apa-apa. I'm one of those people who love to preach but never do something.

6. Introvert. Shy. And social anxiety. What a wonderful combination.

7. Totally romantic, but apoetic. And funnily, I'm not really fond of sappy and romantic poems.

8. Obsessed with MBTI and personality quizzes.

9. Super gak update sama pergerakan musik modern. I'm the last person you should ask about the newest music.

10. Elizabeth Jane Barbra Hepburn, Freddy Krueger Mercury Weasley, George Weasley, Anthony Hopkins --> Those are the names of my dogs.

11. Menghindari sebisa mungkin orang yang konservatif, dominan, perfeksionis, dan religius. I avoid conservative, dominant, perfectionist, and religious people as hard as I can.    

Part II: Crucial Questions by Mr. Damar from sinekdoks

01. Please name a movie that can describe you or what you feel now! Sebutkan satu film yang paling pas menggambarkan dirimu atau perasaanmu saat ini.

Wow, lumayan berat juga nih. Kayaknya hampir gak ada film yang benar-benar menggambarkan diri gue atau perasaan gue saat ini. Mungkin...High Fidelity? Entahlah, disitu karakter utamanya melakukan banyak kesalahan dan mengalami kebingungan, sama seperti gue. Apalagi si John Cusack suka banget menganalisis dan mencari tahu apa yang sebenarnya salah, just like me.

Wow, what a question. It seems that no film can perfectly describe myself or my feelings right now. Perhaps...High Fidelity? I'm not sure, perhaps because the male protagonist does a lot of mistakes and he's overwhelmed with confusion. Moreover, John Cusack (in that film) likes to analyze and troubleshooting, just like me.

02. What’s your all time favorite movie OST? Apa OST film favoritmu sepanjang jaman?

Dirty Dancing, Submarine, The Sound of Music, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (What's up with Love), The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Warm Bodies, (500) Days of Summer, Lilo & Stitch, Saturday Night Fever,..etc.

03. Choose one: Jurassic World, Terminator Genysis, or Star Wars Eps. VII?

Gue kepo banget sama film Star Wars, karena gue belum pernah nonton satupun film Star Wars. Di sisi lain, Jurassic Park adalah film yang mind blowing banget buat gue yang masih eek di celana dulu. So......Jurassic World.

I'm really curious about Star Wars, as I never watch a single film from the Star Wars' series. On the other hand, Jurassic Park is a mind blowing film for my still-shit-on-the-pants self. So...Jurassic World.

04. Choose one: annoying cliffhanger or super-twisted bad ending? Pilih yang mana: cliffhanger super nggantung atau bad ending yang penuh twist.

Super-twisted band ending anytime. Annoying cliffhanger is more frustrating for me.

05. Choose one: European movie, Asian movie, Australian movie or South American movie? Name a title! Pilih salah satu: Film Eropa, film Asia, film Australia atau film Amerika Selatan? Sebut salah satu judul film favoritmu dari region tersebut.

Film Asia. Gue belum pernah nonton film dari Amerika Selatan dan Australia, dan gue gak punya banyak pengalaman dengan film Eropa. SALAH SATU FILM FAVORIT DARI ASIA?!! Gila, gak bakal bisa gue jawab satu doang...Tapi karena ada beberapa film yang udah sebut di bagian berikutnya, gue bakal jawab Noroi: The Curse.
Asian movie. I never watched South American and Australian movie, and I don't have much experience with European Movie. ONE FAVORITE FILM FROM ASIA?!! Dude, I can't answer that question with only one film...But since there are a few films that will be mentioned in the next part, I will say Noroi: The Curse.

06. What’s the best Indonesian movie you ever watched? Apa film Indonesia yang paling bagus?

Definitely Leaf on the Pillow (Daun di atas bantal), but that from someone who hasn't watched The Forbidden Door (Pintu Terlarang) and many other great films.

07. If your life were a movie, what other movie might look similar to it? Kalau hidupmu adalah film, film lain apa yang paling mirip sama film-mu?

A combination of Submarine, the second part of 5 cm per second, Annie Hall, and High Fidelity. Well, Submarine, Annie Hall, and High Fidelity minus the requited love. 

08. If your life were still a movie, who will portray you best? Kalau hidupmu adalah film lagi, siapa yang paling pantas memerankanmu? 

Angelina Jolie. Dian Sastrowardoyo. Demi Moore. Katharine Hepburn. Meryl Streep. Zooey Deschanel. Suzy. Jun Hi Hyun. Jennifer Lawrence. And the list goes on.

09. As a movie blogger, what kind of comment you loathe? Sebagai movie blogger, comment macam apa yang kalian benci?


10. As a movie blogger, do you follow foreign blogger and interact with them? Why yes, why not? Sebagai movie blogger, apakah kalian follow blogger asing dan berinteraksi dengan mereka? Kenapa?

Gue ngikutin beberapa sih dan kadang berinteraksi sama mereka. Gue pengen melihat dari banyak perspektif dan melatih bahasa Inggris gue.

I follow some and sometimes interact with them. I want to see from a lot of perspectives and practice my English.

11. Now, please describe your blog in a sentence! Gambarkan blog kalian dalam satu kalimat.

A blog that is organized by a boring psychopath.

Part III: The wonderful interrogation by Mr. Donaldo from Cinejour

1. Cannes Film Festival atau Berlin Film Festival? Jelaskan pilihanmu! Cannes Film Festival or Berlin Film Festival. Explain your answer!

Gak dua-duanya, jarang banget ngikutin begituan. Tapi beberapa film favorit gue sempat tayang di Cannes Film Festival. None, it's not my stuff. But some of my favorite films are in Cannes Film Festival.

2. Lebih pilih siapa, Mira Lesmana atau Nia Dinata? Jelaskan pilihanmu! Mira Lesmana or Nia Dinata? Explain your choice!

Gue...kurang ngikutin mereka berdua. Tapi gue lebih familiar dengan Mira Lesmana. I...don't follow them much. But I'm more familiar with Mira Lesmana.

3. Sebutkan satu film yang membuat kamu merasa sedih, hingga akhirnya menangis. Jelaskan alasanmu. Name one film that makes you really sad that you cry. Tell the story a bit.

Lebih dari satu film yang berhasil membuat gue nangis. Tapi film yang benar-benar membuat gue nangis tersedu-sedu adalah Grave of the Fireflies. Gue nangis tersedu-sedu karena gue merasa gak adil banget bocah sekecil mereka (dua tokoh utamanya) menderita di usia semuda itu. Mereka gak pernah ambil keputusan apa-apa dalam menentukan perang, tapi mereka tetap kehilangan segala-galanya.

More than one film have made me crying. But the film that squeezes my tears is Grave of the Fireflies. The film is so heartbreaking for me because I feel it's extremely unfair for the two young children (the main protagonists) to suffer greatly in their age. They never partake in the war, yet they lose everything.

4. Film apa yang menurut kamu pantas menang Oscar, tetapi kalah? Jelaskan alasanmu! Which film do you think deserves Oscar, but lose it? Explain your answer!

Hmm, yang ada di pikiran gue justru film yang gak dinominasikan Oscar: The Dark Knight, Shame, Interstellar, dll. Tapi dua film yang jelas pantas dapat Oscar tapi gak menang adalah Pulp Fiction dan Saving Private Ryan. Pulp Fiction kalah sama film klise dan inspirational-wannabe sedangkan Saving Private Ryan kalah sama film romcom super klise yang gak groundbreaking sama sekali. Bahkan pantas dinominasikan Oscar pun gak.

Well, I think about the films that are never nominated by the Oscar instead: The Dark Knight, Shame, Interstellar, dll. But the two films that are obviously deserve the Oscars but lose it are Pulp Fiction and Saving Private Ryan. Pulp Fiction lost the Oscar to a cliche and inspirational-wannabe film, while Saving Private Ryan lost to a super cliche romantic comedy, that's also completely ungroundbreaking. Heck, Shakespeare in Love didn't even deserve the nomination in the first place.

5. Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, atau Francis Ford Coppola? Jelaskan jawabanmu! Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, or Francis Ford Coppola? Explain your answer!

Walaupun Taxi Driver masuk ke salah satu film terbaik versi gue, gak ada adegan di Taxi Driver yang bisa memberikan efek everlasting ke gue kayak adegan cycling dan ending-nya E.T. Dan menurut gue The Godfather adalah salah satu film yang overrated. Namun harus gue akuin gue gak familiar amat dengan Scorsese dan Coppola. 

Although I see Taxi Driver as one of best films, no scene from it can create an everlasting effect like the cycling and the ending scene of E.T. I also think that The Godfather is an overrated film. However, I have to admit that I'm not familiar with Scorsese and Coppola.

6. Hong Kong, Jepang atau Korsel? Jelaskan alasanmu! Hong Kong, Japan, or South Korea? Explain your choice!

Gue bukan ahlinya sinema Asia Timur. Tapi gue lebih banyak nonton film Korsel daripada Jepang dan Hong Kong. I'm no expert at East Asian cinema. But I watch South Korean films more than Japanese and Hong Kong.

7. Sebutkan masing-masing satu film terbaik dari Hong Kong, Jepang, dan Korel! Name each one film from Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea!

Hong Kong: Kung Fu Hustle. 
Japan: Battle Royale.
South Korea: I Saw the Devil (honor mentions: Memories of Murders, The Chaser, and The Man from Nowhere. Sorry, I can't help it!)

8. Arthouse atau mainstream? Jelaskan jawabanmu! Arthouse or mainstream? Explain your choice! 

None. In-between please!

9. Kalau hidupmu dijadikan film, ingin dijadikan genre apa? Jelaskan jawabanmu! If your life is made into a film, what genre will you like? Explain your answer!

Satir atau komedi gelap atau komedi yang less mainstream. Gue pengen hidup gue yang membosankan penuh twist kayak pelem Pulp Fiction, The Big Lebowski, sama Heathers. 

Satire or dark comedy or less-mainstream comedy. I want my boring life to be full with twists like Pulp Fiction, The Big Lebowski, dan Heathers.

10. Sebutkan lima film Indonesia terbaik yang pernah kamu tonton. Name the top five of Indonesian films you've ever watched. 

Daun di atas bantal (Leaf on the Pillow)
Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow troopers)
Ada Apa dengan Cinta? (What's up with Love?)
The Raid
Selamat Pagi, Malam (In the Absence of the Sun)

11. Action atau drama? Jelaskan jawabanmu! Action or drama? Explain your answer!

Drama. Akting dan plot biasanya lebih terjamin. Drama. There's a stronger guarantee in acting and plot.

Part IV: THE Questions. Yes, the 11 crucial, philosophical, and sophisticated questions.

1. Benedict Cumberbatch / Tom Hiddleston? Why?

2. Sebutkan film yang lu yakin belum pernah ditonton kebanyakan movie buff. Name one film that you think never been watched by most movie buff.

3. Sebutkan masing-masing satu aktor, aktris, dan sutradara yang menurut lo overrated. Name each one actor, actress, and director that you think are overrated.

4. Sebutkan masing-masing satu aktor, aktirs, dan sutradara yang menurut lo underrated. Name each one actor, actress, and director who are deemed as underrated by you.

5. Apa serial atau acara TV yang sedang lu ikuti dan atau gemari? What series or show from TV that you follow and or admire?

6. Film terjelek dari sutradara favorit lo? Mengapa? The worst film from your favorite director? Why? 

7. Ingmar Bergman / Akira Kurosawa / Andrei Tarkovsky / Jean-Luc Godard? Why?

8. Sebutkan (min. 1) aktris dan atau aktor yang menurut lo gak cocok dalam salah satu peran mereka! Name an actres and or an actor whom you see unfit in one of their roles.

9. John Williams / Hans Zimmer? Why?

10. Sebutkan satu film yang bikin lo depresi atau sedih berhari-hari! Name a film that leaves you depressed or sad for days! 

11. Zooey Deschanel / Jennifer Lawrence / Megan Fox? Why?

Part V: Those who shall find a revelation through my questions...

I have to apologize because I'm not gonna nominate anybody. Why? Well, most of my friends have already been nominated.

So, in exchange for zero nomination for me, I open these questions for anybody who wants to participate in Liebster Award. 

Ciao, everyone!

6 komentar:

  1. Kung Fu Hustle, Battle Royale, I Saw the Devil...NOW you're talking my language. Love lots of your answers, actually. Congrats on the award. I may take a crack at your questions. Need to find time to squeeze them in.

    1. Thanks, and I hope you can find some time :D

  2. Thanks udah dijawab..

    Btw, gw cukup setuju dengan masukin "The Man from Nowhere" itu salah satu film Korea yang emang bagus (walaupun gw sebetulnya ngga terlalu doyan action).

    Sama ngomongin "Battle Royale", film keren ini juga yang ngebuat gw nganggep "The Hunger Games" ngga terlalu ada apa-apanya (no offense)

    Terakhir, gw cukup setuju ketika "Saving Private Ryan" sebagai salah satu film terbaik yang ngga menang Best Picture.

    Kezia, Thanks again for answering my question.

    1. Haha, setuju kok soal yang THG. THG emang kayak film anak2 dibandingkan Battle Royale.

      Sama-sama, makasih juga buat nominasinya!

  3. Great answers! I love the blend of movies of your own life. Lol. and also the stars to portray you. Rofl.
    Anyway, it's been a great year to start expanding our blogging experience, so I love how you start doing blogathon as well. Cheers for Crazy Girl at Cinema!

    1. Don't you know that I'm J-Law's lost long twin?!!
